HIIT can train the cardiovascular system to: It’s also more time-efficient than running several miles on a treadmill which may take you longer than 30 minutes. This gives adequate stimulus to multiple systems, in a short period. HIIT emphasizes high work intensities, coupled with training your ability to recover and to maximize your effort and time without slacking off. These ON-OFF cycles are repeated for several rounds. You should also try and keep moving during your rest interval by doing some gentle stretches or walking around slowly. Try a few minutes of gentle yoga or walking/jogging. HIIT generally is composed of high-intensity bouts of exercise, interspersed with recovery periods. As LIIT is low-impact, it doesn’t need to go for long. But ever since, I have been hooked and it has become a staple of my workout routine!
I first tried a HIIT workout without knowing it as part of my training early on during my lacrosse career.
HIIT stands for High-Intensity Interval Training.