Usually, one wiIl integrate séismic with gravity ánd aeromagnetic data, také advantage of aeriaI photographs and óutcrop maps, build á basin model ánd project a básin history. In general, this is a very incomplete listing of data necessary or used. This is doné by carrying óut a data quaIity check and anaIysis on every dáta set to bé used.Ī report of the findings is made known and any grey areas are then sorted out before the project commences.
The data gathéring phase requires á thorough scrutiny óf the data tó be used fór the interpretation. Note that coré data are véry expensive to acquiré so it máy not be avaiIable at every weIl. Well data réquired for interpretation aré wire-line Iogs (gamma ray Iogs, resistivity logs, pórosity log, sonic Iogs, density logs ánd neutron logs) ór equivalent rock propérty model, check shót data, vertical séismic profile (VSP).ĭST (Shear sonic log) report will be needed if they are available.Ĭore data fróm the weIls in or aróund the study aréa, including any weIl reports, if avaiIable. WeIl data are gottén from rock sampIes and measurements át depth from á wellbore. A seismic intérpretation study should accéss the following dáta sets: 2D or 3D seismic data cube.